Friday, December 19, 2008

Thoughts at Christmas time

When I watch Christmas movies and shows, I find there's always a good guy and a bad guy. Like the Whos' & the Grinch, Scrooge & the Ghosts, Rodolph & Abominable Snowman, Snow & Heat misers wait there both bad. The point is that in most stories there's this over riding sense of good and evil. the question is, must evil exist to have good? Can you have one without the other? I once said to appreciate joy you need to experience pain. was there a time without pain and suffering? If so surely it wasn't without joy. This I do know, Christmas is a perfect time to share what our lives were like without Christ, and the joy He brings in our pain.


Merle & Rayleen


  1. Anonymous said...
    Love and marriage,
    go together like a horse and carriage:you can't have one without the other. I don't believe that. They do emphasize each other by contrast.
    Anonymous said...
    when you talk about if there was a time where there was no pain and suffering, i think back to the garden of eden. i would assume that there was no pain and suffering at the beggining when it was just them and god....where they just oblivious?? is that why they messed up? cause they didnt know what they had? im just thinking out loud...ignorance is bliss right?

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