Saturday, May 9, 2009
Children of the Nations - Feeding Children of the NationsHolly Sturm is our outreach team leader that planned for a group of us to help out at this event.
We poured rice, lentils, chicken powder and seasoning through a funnel and into these bags.
Some people played....
Some people pretended to have a bad attitude....
Some people were happy....
And some people had fun....
But we filled a lot of these...
That filled a lot of those boxes...
And stacked them...
To fill this cargo container....
We helped them package 285,000 meals that are going to be shipped to Sierra Leone. That is a LOT of meals. If you think about it....that's a lot of lives saved. For those of you that gave up part of your Saturday afternoon, I am proud of you. We can make a difference, and we are changing the world by how we live.
For those of you that did not make it, I hope you can next year... OR.... We do have the opportunity to host our own, like a 2K, or however big you can come up with. If you guys are interested... It was a lot of fun.There were infants...
Even tiny kids helped...
Groups of friends had fun...
Grandma's were proud of their families that helped...
Father's were proud...
Families helped together...
And some volunteers stayed all day long.