Wednesday, April 8, 2009


On Sunday Junior High had intercession outside with chalk and this is some of what happened....

By Ryan Anderson.

(Caleb was really excited about the game we played...)


  1. Anonymous said...
    How cool! I wonder what the owner of that car thought upon reading the chalk message?!
    I often wonder at the luxury cars I see in our parking lot. If those who are "2 Blest" would only settle for less vehicle-wise, they could spill over some of their blessings to the really needy.
    Anonymous said...
    I find myself really annoyed by the message in the picture. One, because that person is not a stuck up person, they are humble. They made a judgement about someone they don't know. Two, we don't know how that person is spending their money, maybe that car was given to them or maybe they inherited it...I don't know. Maybe they do give a lot. It is a strange message to put on that kind of car, but despite that, we can't judge them...there are lots of places in our own lives that we should be giving stuff up so that others can have more....anyways, this is just a thought.
    Samuel J. said...
    I love the comment about the car, i personally think its hilarious, and that we have some clever junior highers.

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