Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So again I wanted to start a discussion to see what you guys think. Something I've been thinking about is how attractional should church be? Let me explain.

I used to think that worship and church shouldn't change the way they do things to get more people in. I saw "seeker sensitive" churches that lacked depth and just tried to be attractive and not really do anything and I got turned off. So every time I led worship I wanted it to be crazy spiritual and weird and if people didn't like it, than screw them. In essence.

What I've noticed is that being attractional and being shallow don't have to be connected. What I mean is (and I could totally be wrong on this), what if a church had really good music and the music was more "showy" than other churches, but the preaching was really focused on Jesus and very biblical and people were getting saved, repenting of their sin, and living like mature Christians? Is this any worse than really emotional, spirit-led worship that doesn't attract a lot of people but gives people the Jesus high for a few hours? Of course I want the Holy Spirit to give me the "Jesus shivers" but when I think about what is longer lasting, biblical preaching that causes me to repent is higher on the list.

I don't know, I'm ranting, but I figured it would be a good conversation starter.

So, how attractional should our church/youth group be?


  1. Anonymous said...
    I think we can be attractive if we show people they are loved and valued,not ignored,when they show up. There's two kinds of people: those who say "Here I am!" and those who say "There you are!".
    Anonymous said...
    If church is a gathering of believers that reflects God's beauty, order, intelligence, love, and majesty--THAT is attractional to those who are being drawn to Jesus.

    My 2 cents.
    Holly Ann said...
    I agree with Jean! The beauty of a healthy church will come from the inside, just like we tell little girls that their beauty comes from the inside :)

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