Monday, February 2, 2009
Adding on to what Jon said, here are the things I pray will happen!
Training for staff and students
-Dealing with substance abuse
-Dealing with eating disorders
-Dealing with psychiatric disorders
- Evangelism
-Cross cultural ministries
-Spanish class!
-Ending injustice!!!!
Church wide intercession
Inductive Bible
Work at a soup kitchen regularly-until we have our own!
All of Steve’s leadership positions filled and more!
Outreach team leading their own ministries!
More information on the website
Let’s build a well in Africa.
Let’s get people over to hook up Candice’s solar panels!
Let’s get to South America, the Caribbean, and Eastern Europe.
Let’s get to know our beautiful state and how to help people in every nook and cranny.
I dream about a church where everybody knows about people like Joseph Kony. I dream about a church where newcomers don’t need to even know that the LRA exists, because the war WILL END! We will see that day…Amen.
- Jonathan.Ullberg said...
February 2, 2009 at 9:39 AMAmen, amen, amen. Holly I'm so glad that we are friends. I think we need more training, inductive study, all of the above. :)- Ruthann said...
February 3, 2009 at 1:13 AMEnd injustice through church wide intercession? Yes! Ok I'm excited. I'm ready. Let's do it.