Friday, February 20, 2009


*note, if you are not an Office fan, please disregard the first bajillion sentences.

I have a challenge for you guys...

Here is your mission, if you choose to accept it.

I'm excited to reveal to you something I've been thinking about.

Gooooood morning Vietnaaaaaaaam!!!!!

Welcome to the Bothell Outreach Massacre! *chain saw noises*

Outweach. Outweach is what bwings us togethah, today.

I like to try out different openings when I know that time is not a factor.

Okay, now I'm serious.

Here is my challenge: Next time you have a project, paper, or research assignment for school, make something useful out of it. Do you have to write a paper about a health issue? Find out about the cholera crisis in Zimbabwe, AIDS in Africa, or the effects of working in the mines of central Africa! Even if the topic is a bit of a reach, teachers will most likely be willing to let you bend the rules if your topic is something you genuinely care about.

For example:

  • I had to present about a song, I presented about Invisible Children, and talked about the use of music in their campaign.
  • I needed to talk about a health issue, so I talked about AIDS and child prostitution in Thailand.
  • I needed to present a poem, so I read from Victor Hugo's Les Chatiments, about social justice.

There are numerous benefits to this:

  • You can inform your classmates about something that is important to you.
  • You can represent Jesus by showing that you care about others.
  • You can get a better grade; if you are motivated, you WILL do better in school!
  • You won't need to fake your way through your paper and presentation.
  • You can spend time learning about something you care about.

And last but not least, my favorite...

You can inform the youth group by leading an intercession!

Just throwing it out there, guys, but I'd love to see what happened if you took this idea and ran with it.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Great idea!
    Anonymous said...

    I was laughing so hard at the beginning. good ol' micheal scott! hahaha your so funny :)

    and this is so crazy because right now I am writing two persuasive papers in english and I felt like God wanted me to be passionate about my topics. so I chose one topic on sweatshops and one on evolution being taught in public schools and not creation because its "religious". They are turning out really good so far, and I just hope God will use them in some way whether it be to my classmates or to my teacher.
    Holly Ann said...
    Hannah, your ideas sound great! I'm wondering....maybe when you finish them, you can choose your favorite parts (or just the whole thing) to send to me and I'll post it on the blog!
    Anonymous said...
    yeah sure. :) it might not be for another week and a half or so though.

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